649 S Oak - Cabinets & Sidewalks

Inside we installed the cabinets & other carpenter trim. Outside we rough graded and installed the sidewalks.

649 S Oak - Siding & Drywall

Siding is being finished and on the interior the drywall was just hung.

5N773 Rochefort - Final

5N773 Rochefort - Final Photos

We’re all done with this one.

947 N Haddow - Framing & Trusses

The rough framing and roof trusses are finished. Next up is to install the windows.

947 N Haddow - Foundation

Here we are starting another new home in Arlington Heights. Excavation is done and the foundation was poured. We’re just about to remove the forms and prep for backfill.

649 S Oak - Steel & Gravel

We started another home in Palatine. Foundation and backfill are complete. Here we set the steel and added gravel for the garage and construction drive. Carpenters are up next.

5N773 Rochefort

Most the siding and all the stone work is complete. We need to finish the front porch siding after we pour the concrete later this week.