1017 Beverly - Rough

We are done with the rough. After the Village inspections we will start masonry & siding on the exterior and insulation & drywall on the interior.

215 N Brockway, Palatine - Finished Home

Here are some final interior photos.

221 Brockway

We are waiting on pouring the basement concrete before we can continue on this one. Weather has been too cold the past few weeks.

215 Brockway

Here are a few progress photos of this project. We are getting there...

1017 N Beverly Lane

We got slowed down a bit with the cold weather around the holidays, but things are moving again. Just about to start the shingles. Once ComEd hooks up the electric we can pour the basement concrete.

215 N Brockway - 1st Floor Rough Framing

We stared building Lot 4 of Stone Garden. If everything works out we should be able to get this house all sealed up before the winter.

225 Brockway - Final Photos

Here are the final interior photos for 225 Brockway.

225 Brockway

Lot 2 in Stone Garden Subdivision is finished. We'll be using this home as the model. On the exterior we still need the final grading and to install the gutters, but otherwise this home is ready for move-in.

229 Brockway

Lot 1 in Stone Garden Subdivision is moving along on schedule. We just passed the rough inspections and we're gearing up for insulation and drywall after the 4th of July Holiday.