Benton - Demo

Here's a few more photos of the demolition progress.  We have the village demo inspection tomorrow morning.  Then we'll be moving on to the excavation & starting the footings at the end of the week.

Bothwell - Tile, Flooring, Exterior

The outside is looking good.  Check out the bead board under the front porch.  Though, we'll get a much better view once the scaffolding comes out of the way.  The tile in the baths and laundry was just finished today.  The first floor will be entirely oak and will be finished up this week.

Benton - Demolition

Here it is.  The old house coming down.  It's a great rainy day for it too.  The rain helps keep the dust down.

239 S Benton - Sewer & Water

Sewer and water main disconnects and stub connections.  We disconnect and reconnect at the same time so the street is only opened up once.  The stubs in the parkway will be ready to go once the foundation is poured.

Bothwell - Primed and Stairs

Figured it was about time for some updated photos of Bothwell.  The weather has been brutal this year; really slowing us up.   The masons were able to start last week, but then temperatures dropped again so we have to wait.   The new pictures show the stairs by Designed Stairs, and the freshly primed walls.

Bothwell - After Drywall

Bothwell is moving along.  Though due the the extreme temperatures we have been having it has been moving slowly.  The house is ready for priming, but the garage is still too cold to hang drywall.

Bothwell - Rough

Rough Plumbing, Mechanicals, Electric, and Framing completed. After we pass inspections insulation begins. Then we can finally heat the place up.