Home Progress

378 W Michigan

This is just before we installed the roof trusses. We’re shooting to have the roof on and the house closed up before the end of the year. Hopefully, the weather holds out.

378 Michigan - 1st Floor Walls Going Up

We’re in the middle of some nice fall weather here. It’s a great time for building.

378 W Michigan - Foundation

Foundation has been poured and back filled. The lot size on this one is big, at almost double the typical in-fill lot size you would find in Palatine. Due to this we have decided to spec a larger home here.

325 S Hale

We are getting close. Final trim is almost complete.

325 S Hale

Slow going with the winter weather, but here is where we are at with the rough framing. There’s still work to do, but were just about to start the pluming & mechanicals.

1017 Beverly - Rough

We are done with the rough. After the Village inspections we will start masonry & siding on the exterior and insulation & drywall on the interior.

221 Brockway

We are waiting on pouring the basement concrete before we can continue on this one. Weather has been too cold the past few weeks.