Home Progress

Charlotte - Rough Framing

442 Charlotte is moving along quickly.  We've been luck with minimal rain days.  Our carpenters are working on the roof sheathing now.  The next steps are shingles, concrete slabs in the basement & garage, then closing the house up with windows & exterior doors.

Hamilton - Tile & Stairs

Tile prep work has begun over at 1850 Hamilton.  The tile flooring in the laundry room and 2nd floor furnace room have been installed.  Custom oak stairs have been installed.  The iron balusters will be put into place after painting and staining.

Hamilton- Insulation

1850 is Insulated.  Drywall to being next week.  I am very excited to get moving again on this home.  There will be tons of great pictures coming up with all the decorative trim details going in.  While we're waiting for the good stuff, here's some pictures of insulation & drywall setup.

Charlotte - Foundation

Construction has started for 442 N Charlotte.  The excavation, footings, and foundation are done. This one is moving quick.  We started the excavation in late February.  And thankfully the weather has been working with our schedule.

Hamilton - Rough

Exterior is closing up and coming together.  The Electrician is starting work and we should be ready for the rough inspections in a few weeks.

Hamilton - Framing Progress

The basement is poured, most of the windows are in.  We are still working on getting this house closed up.  The next steps will be to the frame out the basement walls and get the plumber started.  On the exterior we will need the window trim installed so we can start the stone.