The exterior is looking nice. There are still touch ups and cleaning to do, but for the most part the exterior is finished.
Home Progress
Hickory - Backfill, Sewer & Water
The next step will be to set the steel and then we can start the deck & framing.
Hickory - Footings
The footings have been poured and protected for the cold. We will have to wait for a warmer day to continue with the foundation walls.
Summerset - Progress
All the masonry work has been completed. It's been a slow process due to the cold weather. On the interior we are just getting ready to set oak floors.
901 N Hickory - Demolition & Excavation
901 N Hickory in Arlington Heights had a small old house that was in very bad condition. We put together a nice plan for a great looking new home on this lot. Everything was approved so now we are finally underway. Here are some shots of the demolition.
Benton - Final
Summerset - Trusses
The guys had a perfect day for setting the trusses.
Benton - Retention Wall
Our landscaper did a great job putting in this retention wall next to the driveway.
Bothwell - Finished
Bothwell is finished and sold.
22 W Summerset - Foundation
The foundation has been poured. The forms are off, though they are still on site. If the weather holds out we should start the carpenter at the end of the month.